Long weekend


It just goes to show how disconnected the top leaders are from the regular Pakistani. Recently, the prime minister, in his great wisdom, announced two weekly holidays for Pakistan, to help reduce the burden of electricity usage.

The prime minister’s suggestion was clearly rejected by all the people of Pakistan who unlike the prime minister are all interested in working hard. The PM’s suggestion sounds as if the Prime Minister of Pakistan is asking the people of Pakistan to work less.

This is a contradiction of our great founder Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s famous saying “Work, work and more work”.

Also, two weekly holidays on Saturday and Sunday create a major disadvantage for the banking and financial sector of Pakistan. Since the world is closed on Sunday and Pakistan normally has a half day on Friday, giving a holiday on Saturday would reduce Pakistan’s working days to 4 per week.

Therefore I would like to request the honourable prime minister, to please think about the costs of this decision for Pakistan before implementing it. And I would also like to request the honourable chief minister of Khyber Pukhtunkhwa to please disregard this “suggestion” of the prime minister and allow the banks and businesses to be open on Saturday so we can work more.




Federal cabinet’s approval for two weekly holidays is truly praiseworthy. Last year, five-day week system adopted by the government had saved millions of rupees in fuel and energy costs, besides enhancing efficiency and improving social life of the people.

After implementation of this system it would prove useful again. Almost all developed nations have five-day week in their routine schedule.

It is also one the indices of moving towards right path. On one hand some people instigate people of Punjab for riots in country over the issue of power failure, while on the other hand they are opposing this power saving decision. People of Punjab will scrap such non-stakeholders if they are hell bent on adopting anti-people policies.




  1. It is the only good decision of the government like the one in which Rahman Malik has been awarded Dr degree.what do you expect from this government , they enjoy torturing common man this big decision will deprive lacs of daily wagers from earning their bread and butter it will prove blessing in disguise becaue poor people of this country will have spare day to curse the rulers for good governance.It is strongly recommended that PM should also be awarded Dr degree for doing such an excellent job

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