Don’t you even dare, US warned


Anticipating a unilateral action by the US against the Haqqani network following Islamabad’s refusal to launch a military operation against the group allegedly based in North Waziristan Agency, Pakistan on Saturday conveyed to the US it would not allow any hot pursuit into its territory and any such move would have disastrous consequences for bilateral relations.
Responding to fresh US demands, including that from US Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen during his Friday’s meeting with General Ashfaq Kayani in Spain on the sidelines of a NATO conference, Pakistan has made it clear that North Waziristan operation was not possible in the near future. The message has been conveyed to the US civilian and military authorities by General Kayani and other Pakistani officials despite immense American pressure for an offensive in North Waziristan in the wake of a recent deadly attack on US embassy compound in Kabul and some other acts of subversion in Afghanistan, which Washington blames on the Haqqani network headed by Sirajuddin Haqqani.
“Pakistani authorities are seriously concerned that just like the covert raid to kill Osama bin Laden, the US could resort to unilateral action against the Haqqani network in North Waziristan or anywhere else in the tribal areas where they believe the leaders of this group are currently present,” a diplomatic source said while seeking anonymity. He said Pakistan’s refusal to launch an immediate military operation in North Waziristan because of its own constraints had not gone down well with the US authorities and it was well illustrated by US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta’s strong reaction, in which he hinted at a “hot pursuit” against the Haqqani network on Pakistani soil.
“The Pakistani leadership has, however, refused to budge to all US pressure and has rather warned the Americans to refrain from unilateral military action on Pakistan’s soil, as it will have disastrous ramifications for the ties between Islamabad and Washington,” the source said. A security official did not confirm or deny Pakistan’s warning to the US, however, he said after Panetta’s statement, Pakistani security circles anticipated a unilateral action by the US and it had caused deep resentment among them.


  1. OK, this is really seriously funny! At least the headline of the article made me think of this disney cartoon that I recently saw, where this puny jackal tries to scare the lion with its antics, and almost dies of a heart attack when the lion simply roars. America is merely roaring at Pakistan now .. imagine what will happen when it actually attacks. So Pakistan has warned the US, but what will or CAN it do to stop the US .. nothing!

  2. Pakistan must not bow down to US pressure. In order to stand up, we should not let US exploit our poor financial position. We the people of Pakistan must stand up and start paying cost of defending our sovereignty. The key is that we (especially businessmen) must start paying proper taxes. We should stop finding lame excuses to evade taxes. If there is corruption, only we can eradicate it. Corruption is no excuse to steal taxes.

  3. pakistan should not support and defend terrorsit like haqqani.these terrorist are not our friends.its the right time to say good by to these terrorist and start building our nation.

  4. @Jacob Geller: US must stop telling lies.US just cant do anything infornt of true Pakistan which they have not been facing since very long. You guys are bone of contention for the whole world.One man is enough for you chicken.

  5. Jacob I guess you have dreaming slighty that you are saying pakistan won't do anything.You need to see a doctor soon enough:P

  6. US will not dare to attack a country of 180 million,
    a country which is immediate neighbour of Iran and China
    a attack on PAkistan will not cause a stir untill Pakistan wishes
    Just shot down one Drone , US will Bark then China will come opn the Stage
    US will shut up and leave the stage
    Israel woulds be shaking and Praying to their Idols
    Pls any one tell Pakistan , we Israel have nothing to do with all this
    Dont Nuke us 😛

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