Stop cross-border Taliban attacks, Kayani tells ISAF


Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani on Friday asked the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) to prevent cross-border Taliban attacks from Afghan soil on Pakistani checkposts.
A US embassy statement reported that NATO-ISAF Afghanistan Commander General John R. Allen visited Pakistan to meet with General Kayani. They discussed topics of mutual interest and ways to improve regional security. The statement did not discuss the recent cross-border raids in Pakistan’s frontier regions.
However, a Pakistani security official privy to the talks said General Kayani spoke at length about Pakistan’s concerns over recent cross-border Taliban attacks on Pakistani checkposts in Chitral and other border regions. The official said General Allen was told the Pakistani Taliban fled to Afghanistan after military operations in Pakistan and were now operating from Afghanistan’s Kunar and Nuristan provinces but neither NATO forces nor the Afghan Army were trying to stop the attacks.
Around 300 Taliban militants attacked seven Pakistani checkposts in Chitral a few days ago and killed and injured Pakistani border troops and kidnapped a group of Pakistani boys from Bajaur tribal region after which the Foreign Office summoned the Afghan envoy to lodge a formal protest.An ISPR statement said General Allen’s trip to Pakistan also included a visit to 11th Corps Headquarters in Peshawar for an operational update and discussions about security near the Pakistan-Afghanistan border. This was General Allen’s first visit to Pakistan as NATO ISAF Commander Afghanistan.


  1. This is a dose of your own medicine Gen Kayani why you expect ISAF to help you ? Your people are crossing international borders to commit acts of terrorism all over the world why the world should be listening to you ?

    • dear sheetal yu never been to Pakistan and you don't know the ground reality.

      Its a game made by India and USA against Pakistan

    • sheetal piss off bitch … who even invited you to comment on a forum that has nothing to do with you … you talk about us crossing borders .. bitch look in the mirror .. look at what your country is doing in balochistan … acting naive and voicing western propaganda is all you loser indians can do … don't you ever again dare address our leaders like this … .. we are not indians .. we take pride in our army and whoever tries to spit shit about them .. we fuck their mums .. you get it ? now buzz off .

  2. General Kayani the day we stop running in circles and away from realities of life.Only then we will be able to solve our problems and not let others do it for us(Khalid Rahim)

  3. General Kayani is doing a great job for the country and he is responsible for the country security . No one has any wright to cross over the border and kill our innocent guards as if they have no life .Checkpost should be made so strong that people from other side should think twice to attaack .

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