Corruption and judiciary


Corruption in Pakistan is increasing with rapid pace and it is not only destroying the society of Pakistan but also its economy. In the latest Transparency International Index, our country is the 34th corrupt nation out of 178 countries of the world.

Last year, it was on the 42nd position. The main reason of corruption in our country is that it is supported by the elite class who are the most corrupt people of our country.

Today, the Supreme Court of Pakistan is totally independent from the influence of the executive, and this was possible due to the fact that these independent judges were virtually appointed through a transparent judicial system.

An independent NAB is absolutely necessary to curb the corruption but in Pakistan, the NAB is under the influence of the government. In the past, it was used by the politicians to hunt their opponents.

Corruption is basically the mother of all social ills and many socio-economic problems will automatically be solved, once corruption will be curbed. The Supreme Court is trying to bring all corrupt people in the courts for justice but so far their efforts are getting little success because of bureaucratic hurdles. The only hope against corruption is independent judiciary.




  1. 2013 Elections in Punjab Province and all over country were rigged in connivance with Election commission of Pakistan, corrupt Returning Officers who are from judiciary and under supervision of corrupt CJ of Pakistan Iftikhar Chaudhry known as Mr. Souo Motto which he takes for his own monetary gains. Restoration of Mr. Suo Motto was a topi drama and he is and was close friend of Musharaff who will be given safe exit. Mr. Souo Motto is mysteriously silent despite clear evidence of massive rigging in 2013 elections all over country. Biometric Identification of thumb impression, obtained on voting electoral rolls is a hard evidence to prove wrigging and role of corrupt judiciary in stealing mandidate of innocent citizens of Pakistan. Pakistani nation cheated and its hopes crashed due to corrupt judiciary. Exemplary punishments be awarded to guilty returning and presiding officers. Citizens of Pakistan may forward complaints of wrigging to United Nations Organization as Pakistan is under threat of being ruled by an illegal government based on bogus mandate.

  2. I fully endorse the comment by akrm.Prior to Elections the PML N on the instructions received through Olson, tied up loose ends and hired CEC and CJ.Money was never an issue as Mian brothers opened their coffers to get power and do the final act in the next five years if they stay there. Rigging was blatant especially in NA 125 and PP 156 which both the CEC and CJ refuse to talk about.Apparently the two chiefs have a weakness for money one is Memon and the other just greedy.So help us GOD.

  3. Cat is out of bag. Corrupt judiciary under supervision of CJ of Pakistan better known as mr.suo motto ensured wrigging of elections 2013 in favour of all hurdles of PML-N are being removed like removal of chairman national accountability bureau-fasih bukhari, stopping work of chairman Pakistan cricket board. Next turn will be removal of Federal Ombudsman Salman Farooqi, attorney general and auditor general of Pakistan. CJ of Pakistan better known as mr.suo motto has taken suo motto on complaint of highly corrupt person Adil Gilani “ bikao mal”of transparency international for removal of Federal Ombudsman Salman Farooqi. Corrupt judiciary under supervision of CJ of Pakistan better known as mr.suo motto has suspended all postings and transfers made by care-taker government to please PML-N and hoping reward for extension of corrupt CJ for 22 months which he will never get from “nausar baz” leaders of PML-N.

  4. what is transparent judicial that system is corruption free or full of corruption

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