Volunteer teaches yoga to female inmates


Behind the high walls and gates of the only prison for women in Karachi, inmates such as Sadaf escape from prison every day — even if it’s only in her mind.
Small and thin, with friendly eyes set in a weathered face, Sadaf has been an inmate since 1998 after being convicted of kidnapping. But she says she’s much calmer and hopeful thanks to an innovative yoga programme for the prison’s inhabitants.
“Though my surroundings haven’t changed, my life has and I have yoga to be thankful for,” she said in an interview with Reuters in the prison courtyard.
Sadaf, along with other inmates, has been taking yoga classes from volunteer instructor Aisha Chapra for almost a year and a half as a way to cope with the rough life of prison.
Pakistan’s prisons have a reputation as brutal holding pens, but wardens and jail administrators praise the programme for calming the inmates and preparing them for eventual release.
“I have seen a great change in the girls since they started doing yoga,” said Sheeba Shah, a police official and administrator of the prison. “They have become less stressful and you can see a more positive attitude.”
The Indian government gives prisoners an incentive to do yoga: for every three months they remain in the programme, their jail sentences are reduced by 15 days.
Pakistan, however, has no such incentive yet.
“Yoga has given me peace of mind, it takes away all my tension,” said Yasmeen Arif, who has been in jail for the past three years for kidnapping. “Since we started yoga, with time, I have learned to channel my frustration and anger towards being calmer.”
Chapra also raises funds for the inmates so she can buy them small comforts. She started small, buying them yoga mats. Then she raised funds for items such as soap, shampoo and feminine products.
“I teach yoga at another location and the money I get from teaching, I divert the funds for what the inmates might need,” said Chapra.
Chapra’s students say the programme is vital to their present — and future — prospects.