Science and society


Man has succeeded much in solving his scientific problems. Science is helping us to remove disease and poverty. We can solve many of our social, political and economic problems too if we use scientific methods.

We can search the truth and facts like the scientist. Modern science, its method and its mental attitude should be learnt by young people. Without this knowledge modern world will be incomprehensive. Such people will not be good citizen unless they are not aware of the values under which lies human beliefs, motive and conduct.

Three features have marked the astonishing progress in science. The first is scientific attitude of mind. Second are the inventions of a lot of scientific instruments for observation and measurement. The third is effective use of mathematics.

If handled properly science can solve many social and political problems but at the same time it must be realised that there are limitations with science because it deals only with the world of facts and figures.

Science cannot cure all the evils of society. It has nothing to do with the world of emotions. Courage, beauty, goodness and justice are things with which science has nothing to do. As the approach of science is very effective in the material world, a great deal of advancement has been in this field. Science is helpless to solve our emotional problem because society and morals do not come under its sphere.

Values cannot be measured or appreciated scientifically because they belong to the field of arts and literature. Therefore, if we want to solve our emotional and human problems, we should study these problems on human and moral grounds. It is only religion and morality that may help us in this field.

