Experts urge businesses to fight systematic bribery, corruption during anti-corruption summit in Capital


ISLAMABAD: CRI Group, a leading risk management company held the 3rd Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Summit, 2019, at a local hotel in Islamabad.

The main aim of the event was to provide guidance and training that enables business sectors to fight malpractices through due diligence, internal controls and compliance, besides learning about the latest resources and solutions to detect and combat bribery and corruption within an organisation.

The event was attended by a large number of people from leading corporate entities while dignitaries from government institutions like NAB, SECP also joined the forum to share their knowledge and expertise with the participants.

Rawalpindi NAB DG Irfan Mangi shared the details of the role of NAB as the main fighter institution against systematic corruption and apprised the participants about the NAB’s performance so far.

Mangi said that corporate entities should bring strong compliance management system within an organisation to control bribery and corruption. Systematic corruption can be controlled through awareness and we can save the future of our generation by fighting the corrupt practices today, he added.

Chairman of Anti-Bribery Working Group at OECD Drago Kos said that in 41 per cent of cases, management-level employees paid or authorized the bribe, whereas the company CEO bribed in 12 per cent of cases.

CRI Group CEO Zafar Anjum said that systematic corruption continues to be a substantial obstacle in both the public and private sectors nowadays. Corruption is a cultural issue that will only change as future generations made aware of the detrimental impact of corruption in our society.

Zafar Anjum thanked the government officials, speakers and participants of the event for taking corruption and bribery as a serious issue and joining hands with CRI Group to share knowledge and expertise.