The monsters they make

  • Audacious, resolute, unrepentant Nehal Hashmi is a microcosm of PML-N

Yes, dearest sirs and ma’ams, the light at the end of the tunnel still holds the promise for our partially entrapped, slightly afraid, and absolutely incensed lion in the corner. For a political party that muddled through from one quagmire to another during its entire tenure, the last great hurdle is over. The countdown to general elections begin.

The PML-N backed ‘independent’ senators are back. And they are back with a bang. The message is loud and clear for all those who have the capacity to comprehend the realities of present day Pakistani politics; an established, organised and rooted political party can’t be sidelined, sidestepped or trampled upon by the adverse observations of the robed Lordships, the debilitating decisions handed down by them or the strange machinations afoot.

The contempt of court bonanza is yet to subside. Now former Senator of PML-N Nehal Hashmi, who was sentenced for a month on contempt of court charges, is back. Many thought it to be a landmark judgment that had potential to deter future adventurists aiming to take their Lordships’ name in vain. The cynics stuck to their usual stance; nothing will change, alter or make way for the good. With Nehal Hashmi a free man again, the unrepentant and full of vigour Sharif loyalist is all set to say once again what landed him in the peril the first time, we are yet to see what their Lordships will do about it.

On the other hand, in the person of Nehal Hashmi, the PML-N has found its worst case scenario. Now, the ruling party knows what is the worst thing that could happen to its audacious, no-holds-barred acolytes. Feeling cornered, threatened and in the eye of multiple tornados the party already has and will grow more cagey. Former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif dethroned from premiership, under-trial in an accountability court and booted out of his own party presidentship, courtesy their Lordships, will value martyrs more than ever.

Craving for the limelight, playing to the gallery, uttering remarks beyond their dignity and stature, using language as a tool to threaten rather as an instrument to probe; our Lordships have started their uphill journey on a perilous path

The Lordships who sent Hashmi behind bars have some soul searching to do. The judiciary under Chief Justice Saqib Nisar will go down in history as a period when all the might, main and mind of their Lordships pursued populist causes, churned out partisan decisions that reek of partiality, and meted out justice that had undertones of pick and choose approach.

When the Nehal Hashmi episode was unraveling, I had written in these pages that one man’s impotent harangue stole an entire news cycle as he tried to prove his utmost, unconditional, and intense love for his Quaid through verbally intimidating those looking into his past doings and dealings. For the consumption by general public, the Quaid banished him from his kingdom within hours and suspended his membership. And it won’t require a genius to know the true feelings of Quaid after seeing the expression of utmost devotion by a footsoldier.

The all-wise, all-just Lordships’ penchant to speak their minds via their words rather than their verdicts is not limited to politicians and bureaucrats. Their guns have now turned towards their long time allies ie media. The conversation between court reporters Waheed Murad, Mati Ullah Jan, and rifts between two groups of reporters at Press Association of Supreme Court are not causes but symptoms of a greater malaise at play.

Now, the million dollar question is what do our Lordships plan to do with media aka The Merchants of Discontent? Do they want to rein them in? Are they in mood to ‘teach them a lesson’? Is it all about to ensure that no adverse reporting pertaining to their Lordships and their comments make way out of the courtroom? Is there a control room in Big Marble Palace where tabs are maintained on what is said, tweeted, remarked and written by journalists? Or do they personally take time out of there hectic schedules to know what is being talked about them?

Craving for the limelight, playing to the gallery, uttering remarks beyond their dignity and stature, using language as a tool to threaten rather as an instrument to probe; our Lordships have started their uphill journey on a perilous path. They were supposed to speak through their judgments, they’ve ended up as robes who resort to yelling and name-calling. The judges, dearest sirs and ma’ams, will now be judged for shedding the solemnity and seriousness that elevated them.

They’ll be judged by the man in the street, they’ll be judged by the politicians, they’ll be judged by the attorneys who appear before them, and they’ll be judged by those who report their judgments.

Welcome to the judgment, Milords.

And may God be with you as you fight the monsters of your own making.


  1. Put this Nawaz sharif s crony Nihal hashmi in jail again but this time for 6 months. He will learn, if he is still defiant then put him in jail for 5 years. I bet he will be an obedient subject and very respectful to the judges in future

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