PM sahab, your enemies sit beside you


The king we elected is doomed, someone please chant his last rites


The desperation is palpably evident, Hussain Nawaz is complaining, Hassan Nawaz is faltering, Maryam Nawaz is tweeting, Kulsoom Nawaz is praying and PM Nawaz is waiting, waiting that this storm too shall pass, like hundreds before it

They came, they toiled, they kept at it, they started to move up the ladder, they finally reached zenith, they stayed, they fell in the abyss like Icarus, they roared back to the sky like the phoenix. And now, dearest sirs and ma’ams, they are all set to go the way of the dinosaurs.

If still in doubt, we are talking about House of Sharif here, and as of now they are slowly but steadily losing their might and grandeur.

For those having the knack for politics in this country it was enthralling to behold Sharifs who’ve been outliving their archnemesis, outfoxing more clever, more sage rivals, outmaneuvering even the law, and outwitting generations of masses, have finally reached a dead end where they are at the mercy of three judges and six government officers. Nine gentlemen, who presently sit to decide upon the Sharifs’ fate and possess the power to seal their destiny for all times to come. Alas, how volatile is the place the mighty currently occupy.

Mere focus won’t do, dearest sirs and ma’ams, as in order to see the crevices in the once invincible, always resilient House of Sharif, you’ll need a pair of unflinching eyes that know how to pierce through the pretense of bravery and innocence projected through feigned smiles that reek of shallow smugness.

Have you seen the shivering, the excitement, the sweating, the complaining, the growling, the swearing, the planning, the protest, the listlessness, the frustration, the struggle, the shyness, the hopelessness of our elected monarch and his kindred during last year or so? Well, you must have. It is because they know that this time around, things have not gone a bit far, they’ve gone completely awry and totally haywire.

The desperation is palpably evident, Hussain Nawaz is complaining, Hassan Nawaz is faltering, Maryam Nawaz is tweeting, Kulsoom Nawaz is praying and PM Nawaz is waiting, waiting that this storm too shall pass, like hundreds before it.

We, dearest sirs and ma’ams, are in desperate need of an allegory, as it is the only way to make sense of House of Sharif’s past and present. And that allegory has to be more savage than Orwell’s Animal Farm, more disturbing than Golding’s Lord of the Flies, more indecipherable than Dante’s Divine Comedy, and more horrifying than Conrad’s Heart of Darkness if it ever gets jotted down. As only then will we be able to fathom the enormities and depravity of our beloved first family.

Till the time it gets written, let us get back to regular, real, telecasted silliness.

Recently, a blithering idiot’s harangue stole an entire news cycle as he tried to prove his utmost, unconditional, and intense love for his Quaidthrough verbally intimidating those looking into the past doings and dealings of venerable Quaid . The Quaid banished him from his kingdom within hours and suspended his membership as well. Kind of reminds one of an old folktale whose moral was that nothing is more dangerous than a foolish friend. Goodbye, foolish friend, ye have served thy purpose.

Ayaz Amir, a former insider weighs in

Ayaz Amir, notable columnist, political commentator and former leader of PML-N is the man best suited to answer a simple query; what ails House of Sharif? During a brief question and answer session over the phone, Amir said that Nehal Hashmi’s diatribe reflects the mindset and thought process of Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz.

“Privately, many among the ruling party think and solemnly believe what Nehal Hashmi was audacious enough to say out loud. The leadership of PML-N is worried sick that they are the ruling party, with heavy mandate and all but Imran Khan, Supreme Court and JIT, in this order, are making things hard for them”, he said, adding that the Sharif family is perturbed by the goings on of the JIT as it is unlike anything they’ve confronted before.

PM sahab’s Achilles heel is that he loathes his well-meaning adversaries, while feeding the enemies who sit beside him

When asked whether Nehal Hashmi was being used as a tout or a mouthpiece by top leadership, Amir said that he did not think Hashmi did it on cue.

“See, in PML-N the flattering and praising of Sharif family is not only appreciated but also rewarded. And Nehal Hashmi was always on top in sycophancy, I still remember that during Parliamentary Party Meetings, Hashmi continuously used to remind Nawaz Sharif that he is the last and only hope left to 20 crore people of Pakistan,” Amir reminisced. “I think that it was not premeditated or on the instruction from the party high ups ordering the rank and file to go on the warpath,”

About time to wrap up this piece. Well, rather than concluding things nicely this time around, let us ask some plain questions instead.

What makes them tick? What kind of people please them? What type of gentlemen can be found in their surroundings? What sort of folks do they loathe? Whether they have what it takes to listen to criticism or they crave the hollow solace of lickspittles and kowtowers?

You know the answers, trust me. And you knew them while you were reading above questions. Our behaviour not only divines our aspirations, dearest sirs and ma’ams, it also ordains our dilemmas. PM sahab’s Achilles heel is that he loathes his well-meaning adversaries, while feeding the enemies who sit beside him.



  1. But he has always been friendly to the enemy.They had a friendly meeting recently in the hills.

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