Senators recommend immediate dissolution of PIA’s BoD


Sub-Committee of Senate’s Special Committee on the Performance of PIA submitted its report on performance and operational efficiency of PIA, and recommended guidelines covering National Aviation Policy, governance, maintenance legislation, structural flaws and issues of human resources as well as the politicising of the airline.

The report identified inadequate attention by successive governments, lack of political will, frequent changes in PIA’s top leadership and induction of cronies as major issues that haunt PIA for the past many decades.

“PIA is suffering from crises of confidence and leadership,” the report reads. Interestingly, the report points out that three of the directors are drawing out Rs300,000 salary per month and had not been assigned any work.

The sub-committee also gave its recommendations that include immediate dissolution of present Board of Directors on account of inefficiency, PIA should deal only with core operational issues and privatise services departments, constitution of board of financial experts, manpower restructuring, fleet expansion, cost reduction, carving out of non-essential departments like hotels and real estate.

In order to increase revenues, the following measures are proposed by the committee: code sharing with other airlines, revamping the existing reservation system, and effective monitoring of spares inventory.