“Shame-killing” in Balochistan


It disappointed me to highlight that at least 39 women were killed in the name of honour related crimes in Balochistan this year However, according to the current research report, in the last three years 149, men and women have been killed in honour-killing crimes in the province. In our society one doesn’t only follow customs but religious practices as well. But, people are completely illiterate and are totally not aware the role in regulation of Islam but unfortunately people believe honour-killing an act of virtue. Moreover, if we take a simple glance towards Quran it tells us that if anybody kills another individual without any reason it means that he killed all of humanity. On the other hand, the women in Baloch’s society are also facing gender discrimination, assault, murder, acid attacks by their families in the name of honour.Women must be given their due rights. It is the responsibility of the  government not only to make laws but to make them strong enough to be followed.

Adnan Dost
