Bruce Lee, a side character in his own biopic


‘Inaccurate and insulting’. ‘A travesty on many levels’. Bruce Lee’s daughter Shannon Lee has this, and much more to say about a new film about her father, the martial arts legend who introduced the world to a new style of cinema.

Birth of a Dragon – or at least its trailer – is drawing negative attention online after Lee fans complained about how the film sidelines Lee in favour of a white character played by Billy Magnussen, according to Hindustan Times.

The film charts Lee’s growth as a young man and his little-known fight with master Wong Jack Man in 1964.

But with Lee seemingly given a supporting role in his own biopic, fans protested online.

“Is this a joke? I was here to see Bruce Lee but they put the focus on some white guy,” wrote an angry fan in his IMDb review. “Instead of celebrating what a beast Bruce Lee was, they made him out to be some insecure and jealous loser. Seemed more like a character assassination, rather than a biopic,” he added.

One Reddit user commented: “You turned a biopic about Bruce Lee (a real Asian person) into a ridiculous story about a fictional White guy.”Another agreed: “Hollywood social engineering trash. Again with the White man save the world trope. This movie is so cliché. Even Bruce Lee is sidelined to make way for a White guy.”

Speaking to The Guardian, Shannon Lee said, “There have been projects out there involving my father but they’ve lacked a complete understanding of his philosophies and artistry.

“They haven’t captured the essence of his beliefs in martial arts or storytelling. The only way to get audiences to understand the depth and uniqueness of my father is to generate our own material.”

Director George Nolfi defended his film. He told Deadline, “To be able to watch this white guy become a fully formed man, with Bruce Lee and Wong Jack Man becoming these surrogate father figures to him, even though they were about the same age… I thought that was very unusual in Hollywood filmmaking.”



  1. All Asian American need to form a Union and protest this film. The worst movie about Bruce lee ever! The Director is racism and favor of an unknown white dude came from no where to be the leading star and get to have sex and making love with the woman! It is ashamed for all Asian men around the world. Hollywood still said Chinamen had no chances making love with any women in the movie setting. I though Hollywood had treat Asian people equals in film. Guess what..!…wrong again! Because Hollywood still view Asian men as geeks,losers,side kicks, with stupid English speaking, and never get to fall in love with any women on the set etc. Just like in the past four decades ago. That time, the real Bruce Lee faced many oppressions in Hollywood as well etc. If Asian Americans don't form a Union and protest film like this ; there are going to more like this kind of movies in the future! Then Hollywood will continues to make fun of Asian Americans in USA. Birth of the Dragon is an example of racial discriminations that Hollywood always favor a white dude over any Asian men whatsoever etc. Hope justice will be serve one day in Hollywood and make all cultures equal opportunities in the modern society of entertainment business. Another example, have you ever watch American Idol? Always whites and some times Blacks won the prize. Hardly no Asian people won even they sang fluently in English. That is an example of Asian people still look foreigners to the public in USA. Asian people had many obstacles to fulfill in the media's entertainments business. I hope one day Asian communities will form a Union and fulfill justices in Hollywood so the younger generations of Asian Americans capable getting leading roles in Soap Opera day time TV, Drama night time TV and won American Idol/ the Voices for the first time. If Black and Mexicans can do it; so Asian American also can do it as well!!!

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