The other face of Pakistan


Once again our very own Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy is going to bring second Oscar in Pakistan for the documentary film “A girl in the River: The Price of Forgiveness”. It is a remarkable achievement that our documentary films are being nominated and awarded Oscar. This also shows the other face of Pakistan. Our first Oscar was for Saving Face, a documentary about acid attacks on women, the second is for A Girl in the River, which is about honour killing. What would be the theme of the next, third film that could be nominated? Mind you, I’m not against showing these films; what I am trying to say is that we have so many issues that these movies will not be enough to highlight them.

Last week, the latest documentary was screened at the PM House where Nawaz Sharif said that honour killing is the despicable crime and it must be stopped. Good to know that a film caught his attention yet releasing statement is not enough. It is the time to exterminate heinous crimes of acid attack and honour killing and show a good face of our country. The government must take measures against such crimes by empowering women so that they may raise their voices for their rights.




  1. US has more honor killing than Pakistan every year. It is good that Pakistan is opening up about it's issues unlike India which tries to portray everything is fine.

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