India’s tantrum


On February 13, 2016 the United States (U.S.) decided to move forward with the sale of eight US-made F-16 Block-52 fighters to Pakistan. The US Department of Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) informed US lawmakers about the deal. An official of DSCA told Defense News “We support the proposed sale of eight F-16s to Pakistan, which we view as the right platform to support Pakistan’s counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency operations”. It is said that in addition to eight F-16 Block 52 fighters, the deal will include increased performance engines, advanced radars, electronic warfare equipment, and spare and repair parts. In its official notice, the DSCA noted that the “proposed sale contributes to US foreign policy objectives and national security goals by helping to improve the security of a ‘strategic partner’ in South Asia.”

As reported in the international media, progress made on the F-16 deal has propelled the US-Pakistan relationship back into public eye. The country which has been immensely irked by this pro-Pakistan U.S. decision is none but Pakistan’s ever-belligerent neighbor –India. The Indian government did not waste a second in venting its tantrums over this decision of the US. A spokesman for the Indian foreign ministry, Vikas Swarup, posted a statement on Twitter: “We are disappointed at the decision of the Obama Administration to notify the sale of F-16 aircrafts to Pakistan. We disagree with their rationale that such arms transfers would help in combating terrorism.” New Delhi’s standpoint that the F-16 aircrafts will be diverted away from the purposes for which it is being given and used toward striking India in any future scuffle between the two countries is amateurish and preposterous.

In the backdrop of India’s obsessive reaction which has no justification whatsoever, as the DSCA, in its notification to Congress, clearly assesses that “The proposed sale of this equipment and support will not alter the basic military balance in the region.” The spokesman for the Pakistani Embassy in Washington, Mr Nadeem Hotiana told Foreign Policy magazine that US Senator Corker’s “insinuations”, vis-à-vis the issue under reference, that Pakistan is “facilitating the destabilizing role of Haqqani network in Afghanistan in any way are indeed unfortunate.” “We understand that the deal has not been blocked, but there are reservations regarding the financial aspect,” he added. The Pakistani Foreign Office (FO) has expressed its dismay, and very rightly so, over the Indian government’s reaction to United States’ decision to sell eight F-16 fighter jets to Pakistan. “We are surprised and disappointed at the Indian government’s reaction. Their army and arsenal stock is much larger and they are the largest importer of defense equipment,” the FO spokesman said in a statement. With regards to the F-16 sale to Pakistan, he said that Pakistan and the United States were closely cooperating in countering terrorism. The U.S. State Department Deputy Spokesman, Mark Toner too had earlier announced that the purpose of the sale was to enhance Pakistan’s precision strike capability.

India should appreciate the fact that being two important nuclear neighbors of the region neither India nor Pakistan can afford to go to war with each other under any circumstances. The fear that India has expressed that Pakistan might use the F-16s, the U.S. has announced to provide to Pakistan, will be used against it rather than for the purpose specified does not hold ground for reasons explained above. Pakistan would never do any such thing because it is fully aware of the ramifications of such an irresponsible action on both countries. India’s tantrum vis-à-vis the issue in question is therefore nothing but a figment of its own imagination and a reflection of its strong desire for augmenting its hegemonic control in the region. The question that arises is what would satisfy India that Pakistan has no intent whatsoever of going to war with India? In fact, Pakistan has always sincerely desired peace with India not only in the interest of both countries but in the interest of the entire region. It would, in fact, be worthwhile if India directs its endeavors towards strengthening its relations with Pakistan, by resolving all pending bilateral issues amicably, for its own benefit as well as for the benefit of Pakistan and other countries of the region.




  1. The fighters are for countering what US had left over the war Pakistan has been fighting for. It is the nature of Indian's to create hype where they had number of favours from US to flourish their hegemonic designs. Well Pakistan damn care about whatever India does.

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