Need of the hour


What kind of a nation will we have after twenty years?

Every day on my way to the office I come across new diversions on roads because of ongoing construction of underpasses, the Orange Line and the overhead bridges. I see the environment pollution, the traffic jams, the ambulances stuck in the mobs of cars and what not. For a while I think that this is a short-term problem and all will be well after the construction of these facilities for the people who have vehicles and travel. The new train running would also provide a great relief for travelling to other cities. Thinking all this, my mind is still restless, taking up questions like what relief and facility would all this construction provide to the common man? Is the public at large in demand of trains, under passes and buses? The government is spending billions on these projects but what is being spent in favour of the common man?

So my dear friends let me tell you the core issues of the public. The need of today is constructing children’s hospitals, of which we have only one in Lahore and the cries of patients there are unbearable because of less space and more demand. If ever I happen to go to such a hospital, I see patients lying in the corridors, the ICUs lacking beds, most of the patients are treated on priority basis. I think that every patient has a right to the emergency checkup.

Similarly, we do not have any hospital which provides services like General Hospital for brain injuries and there again is a space issue other than the cleanliness; we have just one cancer hospital, Mayo, Services, Ganga Raam and one Gulab Devi. In short these are the basic public necessities which we lack. Do you think that the masses can afford private hospitals that can put a recovered patient to death with heavy billings? Why is the government not thinking about these facilities?

Roads definitely are needed, but why are the funding and development projects not thought out keeping in view the needs of the public? Why is a particular audience considered when it comes planning a city?

Don’t we need industries to provide economic stability for the people as well as employment for thousands of youth who are wandering around and getting into trivial crimes ? Give life to the dead industries and mills; don’t give birth to more and more roads, buses and trains.

I see people crying for employment, I have also seen graduates willing to work as a peons, gardeners and sweepers. My heart shatters when I see children snooping in the heaps of garbage to find something to eat or the ones working as helpers on small tea stalls and workshops. Is it not distressing? How will the lives of these masses change? Will these roads help the patients crying for free medicines who cannot even afford a simple pain killer? Will it make the issues of farmers improve or will it bring electricity to the students who need to study for the exams or even to excel in life? Will it stop the brain drain from Pakistan? Brilliant minds prefer to work abroad because there are no job opportunities here. According to some sources, over 80 per cent in Lahore do not have safe drinking water; around 80 per cent also have no sewerage systems. Will these traveling schemes provide all this? Do we not have more critical problems to be addressed? No one is paying any heed to these, but yes, we are a nation whose priorities are to invest in signal free corridors, buses and trains. Those who do not have money to buy a single meal of the day, will they travel in these facilities?

Most children, the future of the nation, are deprived of basic educational facilities. Family poverty compels them to work in workshops, barber shops, as beggars, cleaning cars on roads, etc. What kind of a nation will we have after twenty years? Has anyone planned for them? Build schools and hospitals which are free for the public. We need to enhance the industries for employment. This is what the masses need.

Another interesting thing I read in newspapers is the damaging of few heritage sites because of the Orange Line. Yes, heritage is important, but why is nobody raising any questions to divert funds for the provision of basic necessities? The government should have a public poll on all its schemes and then plan out. Without providing our people with the basic necessities now we are also endangering our heritage, what a pity!

In my opinion, these facilities are suitable for developed countries where every citizen has all the basic needs and a sound sleep. First provide the basic necessities and then think on developing the red, blue, green, orange and purple lines, underpasses and other roads! I request the planners to re-plan their goals and achieve what the masses need.