Beware of sycophants


Leave politics to politicians

General Raheel Sharif is a man who can take most difficult decisions without batting an eye. He can also get them executed efficiently and in real time. Besides possessing extraordinary courage he also has an inexhaustible reserve of energy which helps him to move from one flashpoint to another. Operation Zarb-e-Azb, prepared under his guidance and conducted under his leadership, has dealt a heavy blow to the terrorists, though much more still needs to be done. He has managed to bring the PML-N government, which was soft on the terrorists, to read from the same page without exerting any visible pressure. For the common man who cherishes democracy, Gen Sharif is also an apolitical soldier. This has led to his across-the board popularity.

Gen Sharif will be remembered as an outstanding soldier who rescued the country when it was reeling under the terrorists’ blows, provided he is not misled by the sycophants who invariably gather round celebrities. One expects him to remain above politics as long as he wears the uniform and be remembered in history as a great commander; head and shoulders above any other general before him. There can be no greater honour for a professional soldier than this.

The general should be wary of the people who tell him that since he is popular, he should take over the responsibility of running the country as well. This would be damaging for him and bad for the country. Running a disciplined army is altogether different from managing an unregimented and complex society. The best general can turn out to be the worst ruler.

Politics should better be left to politicians. Institutions like an independent judiciary, a free media and a more authoritative Election Commission have started striking roots in the country. Not being directly involved in politics the army too is improving its performance and gaining the people’s confidence. Any military intervention in politics at this juncture would divide the country and stall the growth of all these institutions.


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