PTI rallies are a menace


The rallies held by Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf in Pakistan since August 2014 apparently aim to bring a positive change in the country. Hailing the slogan “Go Nawaz Go,” PTI aims to transform the governmental structure of the country. Contemporarily, it has been holding rallies in different cities of Pakistan consistently with the underlying motive that the desired political change is evolutionary. The major long term goal is to create and formulate the concept of “New Pakistan,” which however is proving to be a threat to the religion and culture of Pakistan.

It is indeed unfortunate to see that the rallies and gatherings of PTI are contributing to vulgarity and profanity in various domains. The women at the rallies are often seen to be clad in flamboyant clothes with intense makeup applied which merely is a blow to their honour and dignity. They are usually seen to be hailing slogans at top of their voice, dancing in merriment and supporting PTI’s members. This is symbolic of immodesty and lewdness, which is spoiling the infant minds of our youth. Such obscene behavior of woman contradicts Islamic principles of modesty and bashfulness prescribed for women. It is inculcating a sense of indecency amongst the young women and entangles them between modernism and religiousness. This is detrimental to the application of the religious principles of modesty and bashfulness prescribed for woman in Islam.

In addition, the representatives of PTI engage in foul and abusive language in expression of their opinions against the current government authorities. This again is deemed to be a severe blow to the infant minds of our youth. The question, which consequently arises, is that is the spread of profanity in Pakistan from the gatherings and rallies of PTI the real characteristic of what is known to be “New Pakistan” claimed to be achieved by PTI?

Considering the alarming adverse repercussions resulting from the rallies and gatherings of PTI, there stands a dire need for the religious authorities to address this obscenity. There is a strong need to instill awareness that living in an Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the norms of modesty and decency should never be ignored while holding public proceedings. The significance of ethics and morality is required to be instilled amongst the youth and elderly alike to achieve a harmonious and agreeable environment.




  1. Last one year Imran has been enjoying dances and protests while people of KP died of floods, terror attacks and whatnot. Kids massacred and then Khan decided to enjoy honeymoon. What a loser!

  2. Ms. Ayza has vented her anger and religiosity at the wrong crowd. Her lamentations against women participants of PTI rallies is just rubbish and obsene itself. Our youth is quite responsible and mature. They do not need such lectures in morality, obsenity and moderation. What exatly is her point of view ? Is she concerned with the vulgar language used by the PTI politicians or Is she offended with chanting the slogan , "GO Nawaz GO.". Has she ever looked at PML9N) leaders and their abusive language used against their opponent.

    Does not she remember Shahbaz using not only bad language, but calling all kind of names to the then sitting PRESIDENT. She should rewind his speeches , and listen to his words spoken at their rallies and press conferences. It was all right then, so what has changed now.

    As far as building a , " New Pakistan is concerned, I do not find anything wrong with it. There are other political leaders who either want to build a religious Pakistan or change it. These are just slogans , nothing serious . I object to her diatribe allingPTI women spreading obscenity, immoderation and vulgarity. These women and young girls are highly educated, articulate and aware of their rights. I have not seen anyone of them not dressed appropriately. More over choice of dress is a personal matter. They are enthusiastic supporters of their party , and their leader.

    I think before criticizing and condemning tem she shoul shop around, and observe the behavior of other parties women leaders and workers. Have not she ever watched the proceedings of the Punjab Assembly, and seen the vulgar and obscene behavior of the women legislators representing different political parties.

    I strongly disagree with her . Religious leaders like Fazal Ur Rehman has already criticized the PTI women workers behavior. Islam does not give anybody the right to criticize others. If she wants to reform the behavior of the women in general, then she must start at local level. Show them the example of modest women. Moderation and modesty are the two good qualities and hall mark of behavior for the Muslims. In fact Islam is the religion of moderation , love and peace. We must inculcate moral behavior in all the Muslims. Women are no exception to the rule. It must be applicable across the board.

    Miss manners should take a deep breath, first calm down, then she will write a better essay on morality and morals. Islam gives respect to all women.

    • go imrankhan go goto hell .. nightclubs darbaan shaitaan syaasatdaan immoral kaafir gadaar FIRANGIGULAM

  3. the governance of pml-n and mns are real menace and pains for the nation. had nawaz sharif with fair mandate vision or common sense he would have governed Pakistan in a better way. no electricity has been generated or added to national grid so far after about 2 years. petrol has vanished effecting common man using motor cycles,rickshaws. real culprits are khaqan abbasi, ishaqe dar and bureaucrat ogra chairman. which head has rolled so far? this all is real menace! IK and PTI are real opposition speaking for the people of country.

  4. Until girls like you are present in Pakistan who justify the religious parties and encourage them to discourage women to get involved in politics in whatever way they want Pakistani women won't get equal rights. You should comment on your own vulgarity not on another women's. Now it's even more clear why women are suppressed in Pakistan, its because of women like you who instead of standing up for freedom of rights, equality, discrimination, sexism and much more stand up for the polarization of society. A person's character should only be judged by Allah not by you


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