Doctors demand strict action against terrorists


Pakistan Medical Association (PMA) and Pakistan Paediatric Association (PPA) Centre on Wednesday strongly condemned the brutal attack at Peshawar school and killing of innocent students and teachers.

A condolence meeting of PMA was held at PMA House Karachi. It was chaired by PMA Karachi President Prof Idrees Adhi and attended by office-bearers of PMA Centre, PMA Karachi, office bearers of College of Family Medicine and a large number of doctors and members of the civil society.

The barbaric act of terrorism in Peshawar, in which 132 schoolchildren and 10 staff members including teachers were brutally killed, was strongly condemned. The participants of the meeting in their speeches demanded exemplary punishment for these terrorist groups. They said that this act of barbarism is one and the only of its kind in the known history of mankind.

The meeting was of a unanimous view that the only way to deal with the problem is to revive the capital punishment.

Meanwhile, Pakistan Pediatric Association (PPA) Centre’s Prof Iqbal Memon in his message said no human can think of this kind of cold blooded massacre of children. He demanded of the government to carry out verdict of executing 700 convicted terrorists in our jails. He said this is justice, deterrence and a fair revenge.

However, the tragic effect of Peshawar school massacre was also felt at Ziauddin University as the vice chancellor postponed conferences and organised a condolence and condemnation meeting at the Clifton Campus.

Prof D Pirzada Qasim Raza, Siddiqui, Prof Dr NA Jafferay, Prof Dr Anwar Ejaz Baig, Prof Dr Sirajuddaula, Amir Shahzad, Iqbal Jamil and students paid tribute to innocent martyrs of Peshawar incident.

Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Pirzada Qasim Raza Siddiqui said the brutal killing of schoolchildren is the worst incident of terrorism. He condemned the barbaric killing of innocent students and asked all to stand united against such acts of terrorism. He said this is the darkest day in the history of Pakistan.

The participants offered fateha at the end of session and prayed for the bereaved families. During the condolence meeting, the university’s academic and other activities remained suspended.