Wasting opportunities


Pakistan is merrily trudging on the road to its destruction by refusing to store its God given sweet waters and in the process is throttling its agriculture and industry needing water badly and affordable power. It reminds one of the fate of Yemen which had at one time Siddi-Muaarib dam that irrigated 2.5 lac acres of land and had a valley like California that produced fruits of all kinds with peace all round and a network of service roads in the days of queen Sheba ruling the fortunate land. Later on, due to disunity of the people Siddi-Muaarib dam was busted. Subsequently Yemen became the poorest of the poor nation with destructions of its economy.

We are threatened by a similar fate in view of disunity of the nation which presents a vital consensus on building KBD on a best site in Punjab. It has steadily reduced the irrigated area while human population keeps on increasing yearly. Do we not see the writing on the wall that Pakistan cannot continue in this state of self-denial by refusing to register the fact that in the past four decades we have not built a single mega hydroelectric dam to solve our mega problems of water and power storage with the rulers smugly concerned with ruling instead of governing?

