Civil-military communication


In the backdrop of ongoing political hyper activity in the capital city, all the power hubs of the country are contributing for formulating an agreeable and peaceful solution. However, the present scenario came up with another appreciable trend in Pakistan’s politics which is an active, overt and open consultation and communication between government and the military leadership. Pakistan’s geostrategic position necessitates that armed forces remain on board during all important issues of national interest. So keeping this very fact in mind during this recent political turmoil, the political leadership is in a continuous and open contact with the military leadership for consultations. This openness will hopefully lead to healthy political traditions rather than traditionally casting aspersions on military leadership for eyeing intervention in every political crisis.




  1. Our political leadership, policy makers and people should read the article "Destabilization of Pakistan" written by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky the author of the international bestseller America’s “War on Terrorism” Global Research, 2005. He is Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Center for Research on Globalization.
    It truly reflects the current situation in Pakistan.

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