Security in Muharram


Suicide bombings have become a routine and the people have to live in terror, in the absence of security. The government seems to be careless and indifferent about the difficulty faced by the people.

It is all the more important in the month of Muharram to have a proper security system around major cities in the country. Each and every person should be checked, frisked if necessary, before he enters an imambargah. The first police checkposts should be at least 5km away from the area of the majlis and jalus and there should be more as they close in. Proper security should be provided to every imambargah, especially on the 9th and 10th of Muharram.

The curse of terror bombings has become a chronic disease that damages the normal life of the people. If it were an occasional event, like a blast in the cloth factory due to the leakage of gas pipe line – which is something that should never happen in the first place – that won’t have caused so much terror because accidents do happen but intentional acts of terrorism is the definition of terrorism. As these bombings have now become an almost regular occurrence, they prove negligence and inefficiency of the security and law enforcement agencies.

We must get rid of this menace of terrorism which has paralysed our normal life. We must unite in religious harmony and tolerance because that is the key to control these kinds of incidents.

