Solution for energy crisis


Mian Nawaz Sharif and Mian Shahbaz Sharif are both very busy trying to find a solution for the current Energy problem of Pakistan. Being a Chemical Engineer, I have some expertise on the Energy problem and have done some initial work, which I would like to share with them;
Energy Problem: Pakistan has a special Energy Law, in which the Government of Pakistan agrees to pay a minimum agreed monthly payment to all Power producers for the contract period, even if no power is supplied. This means that if the Power plant is not operating, Pakistan would still need to pay the energy bill.
In 2008 the 8 Thermal Power plants and 2 Nuclear power plants of Pakistan were forcefully shut down for maintenance. With reduced supply of electricity, WAPDA has fewer units to sell and thus have less income per year. But the payments to the Thermal power companies was at a fixed rate, creating a very big 100 M$ energy deficit.
Fast Track Solution: Although Fuel supplies and payments to the Thermal power plants can be increased to produce more energy, but with the low efficiency, the energy produced will be at a very high cost. Therefore the best option would be to install 5000MW Coal Power plants in locations that are away from the population, near the port or other transport facility and close to the National Grid.
Long Term Solution: Pakistan has the potential to generate 55,000 MW of electricity, which can be sold to Afghanistan, India, China and Oman. This is because, Pakistan’s Northern areas rise like a series of steps, which create opportunities for Hydel Power. But these big and small Hydro Power plants can take 2-6 years for construction, and with Dams there is an additional 2-5 years for filling the Dam.
But the good news is that Banks and Donor organisations love to fund Hydro Power Projects, because this is clean renewable energy, which does not produce any pollution and has a life of 30-50 years.
Also Pakistan can use Hydro and even Wind Power projects for Self Funded Pension Schemes, where Pakistani citizens can buy shares in a project, which would give them a regular income for 25 years. Wind Power is also a very good option, since Pakistan’s Sindh and Balochistan regions have very good wind rates and there is opportunity to generate up to 50,000 MW of energy with Wind Power from that region alone. Wind Power has all similar equipment and installation procedure.


  1. Before elections, he was ending the crisis within months.
    After election, he is hoping to end the crisis before the end of his tenure.
    That’s the right kind of dodging and doses for this kind of a people. Also This time, the way he is going about things- picking fights with the army for starters- he unlikely to last more than a year. So yippee- the energy crisis will be solved within a year!!!!Geo Pakistan, Geo sher.

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