Tamarrod: Morsi government in deep trouble


Egyptians organising for June 30th

June 30th marks Mohamed Morsi’s first anniversary as President of Egypt. It is also the date set for nationwide demonstrations protesting Morsi’s increasingly authoritarian leadership and the role his Muslim Brotherhood is playing in post-Tahrir Egypt.

The organizing effort for June 30th is called “Tamarrod” (rebel). They have, at last report, collected over 15 million signatures on petitions endorsing their protest movement and are convening nationwide organizing meetings in preparation for the big day. Expectations are running high that Tamarrod may replicate the government-changing events of January/February 2011.

It remains to be seen whether this movement succeeds or fizzles out, but what its early successes reflect is the fact that the Morsi government is in deep trouble. A recently completed poll of 5,029 Egyptians adults, conducted by Zogby Research Services (ZRS) found that Morsi, his government, and party have, in fact, suffered a dramatic loss of support and legitimacy.

One year ago, despite having been elected by a minority of eligible voters, Mohamed Morsi was being given the benefit of the doubt by a majority of all Egyptians—with 57 per cent saying his victory was either “a positive development” or “the result of a democratic election and the results need to be respected.”

Today, that support has dropped to only 28 per cent, with almost all of it coming from those who identify with his Muslim Brotherhood party. And yet despite this narrow base of support, the president and his party now hold most of the levers of executive and legislative decision-making authority and are using them to crack down on the press, civil society, and most forms of dissent. In addition, there are worrisome signs of still more over-reach by the presidency. As a result, over 70 per cent of the electorate now expresses concern that “the Muslim Brotherhood intends to Islamise the state and control its executive powers.”

What emerges from the ZRS findings is a portrait of a post-Tahrir Egypt in crisis with a deeply divided electorate. The poll shows that the major opposition groups (the National Salvation Front and the April 6th Movement) combined have a somewhat larger potential support base than the governing parties. The opposition, though repeatedly out-organised in elections by the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafi Nour Party, can claim the confidence of almost 35 per cent of the adult population. The remaining almost 40 per cent of the population, while holding political views identical to those of the opposition, appear to have no confidence in either the government or any of Egypt’s opposition parties. They are a “disaffected plurality.”

This loss of confidence in the government can be seen in the responses to every question asked in the ZRS survey, with an overwhelming majority of Egyptians expressing disapproval of Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood and dissatisfaction with their policies and performance in: drafting and embracing what is seen as a flawed constitution-writing process; and failing to provide economic opportunity, needed services, guaranteeing personal freedoms, and keeping the country safe. In each of these areas, only about one-quarter of the electorate expresses some degree of approval with the actions of the government, while almost three-quarters disapprove. In each instance, the support for the government comes almost exclusively from those who identify with the Muslim Brotherhood, while the rest of the population is nearly unanimous in their disapproval.

What also comes through quite clearly is that the opposition to Morsi suffers from a crisis in leadership and organisetion. Of the nine living Egyptian figures covered in the ZRS poll (including all those who ran for president and/or who lead opposition political parties), none are viewed as credible by more than a third of the electorate, with most seen as credible by only a quarter. Only Bassem Yousef, a popular TV satirist who has been indicted by the government and charged with insulting the “presidency” and Islam, is viewed as credible by a majority of Egyptians.

While division defines much of the poll’s findings, there were a few areas where consensus could be found. Interestingly, the late president Anwar Sadat won extremely high ratings from all groups – Islamists, secular oppositionists, and the “disaffected”. More significantly, the army also receives strong approval ratings from all sectors and parties – an overall 94 per cent positive rating – with the judiciary following closely behind. These two institutions have, at times, acted as buffers muting the presidency’s tendency to over-reach. But while a majority of supporters of the opposition parties and the “disaffected” would like the army to play a larger role, there is not strong overall support for military intervention in civil affairs.

What to do next? Immediate elections for a new parliament are supported by the Islamic parties. But this idea is rejected by most other Egyptians, with a substantial majority saying that they do not believe that new elections would be fair or transparent. The opposition, and a majority of the electorate, strongly favours scrapping the constitution. But this is rejected by supporters of the main Islamic parties.

The only proposal that receives near unanimous support from all groups is the convening of “a real national dialogue” – though it remains to be seen what such a dialogue might accomplish given the polarisetion that currently exists.

So one year after Mohamed Morsi’s victory, Egypt is in crisis. The economy is in shambles, rights are being eroded, and a minority-supported party controls the power over a deeply fractured polity. Into this arena comes the Tamarrod movement and its attempt to unite the opposition and organise the disaffected in a last ditch effort to force needed change. It remains to be seen what June 30th will bring, but regardless of the outcome, it will be a momentous day in Egypt’s contemporary political development.

The writer is President, Arab American Institute


  1. Egypt is not heading towards a new election; it's headed towards a Civil War. Ever since Mubbarick was removed, various factions have taken advantage of the opportunity to voice displeasure and frustration by rallying and destroying the area's that they live in. People aren't just rallying against the president – they are rallying against anyone in power that they happen to be unhappy with. Because of this fact, many of the protestors refuse to abide by the rule of law, something that is required in any civil country. What can't be disputed, is that Morsi is the democratically elected president – he's not a King. If people are unhappy with their decision vote him out when elections arise again. Further more, he's only been president for 1 year – what do they respect, you can't undue 30 years of Mubbarick in one year. What happens if Morsi is overthrown? Are the Islamist going to be happy with the new leader, or will they protest as the 'opposition' has protested? Ironically one of their major complaints is about jobs, yet that can't see the correlation between their violent protest and tourist not wanting to visit the country. It's sad, because I love Egypt and her people – yet they insist on walking a path that could potentially mirror Libya, or Syria.

    • Unfortunately you are either misinformed or a blind backer of the brotherhood.first of all Morsi a convict was a last minute replacement candidate of a religious party the brotherhood. With deep pockets and a very well organized group they easily manipulated the poor and the rural communities . People were paid to vote brought in by buses and voter suppression was rampant in Christian majority areas. Despite all this vote manipulation he barely beat Shafiq who was considered a remnant of the old regime. He was soundly beaten in Cairo the heartbeat brain and economic pulse of the country. After "Winning" the election rather than try and bring the country together rather than try and rebuild the country's lifeblood tourism he proceeds to try and consolidate power for his brotherhood party. Rather than try to bring foreign investment his Islamist parliament is debating female circumsicion and bringing legal age of marriage for a female to 9. This regime this party has lost any legitimacy it may have had and needs to leave. Religious extremism is a cancer that will destroy any society it infects regardless of the religion. They have soiled our religion and our country

      • Reiffer is correct in his analysis. You talk about Morsi manipulating the vote? How about Shafik? He was far worse. So Morsi won a large number of votes outside of Cairo and got a lot of rural and poor voters. So, what's your point? Only affluent voters in Cairo really matter?

        Morsi has tried to attract foreign investment, as evidenced by his visits to China, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and other contacts made early during his presidency. However, the opposition and counter-revolutionary forces along with the help of the Mubarak media are intent on making sure he fails. With all the obstacles they've created no president could possibly succeed.

        The people in Egypt need to understand, Morsi was voted into office. The way to getting him out is by elections. Otherwise, once the opposition gets their way the Islamists will protest until the new government fails. So when does it end? If you don't like a president just protest, until the country is on the verge of collapse? Is this how democracy is supposed to be?

  2. After revolution, Egypt experienced pain heretofore unseen. my advice to all Egyptians is you done revolution, and any protest against mursi is not ganna solve the current problem. those who are not favor mursi better wait the next election. Elbaradia and amer mouse along with others are just mubarik drama period

  3. To be honest,i believe we are in a sort of astalemate.The performance of the president and his government is extremely awkward and falls short of facing the current challenges of Egypt .however,people are disappointed with Morsi and his government and they strongly believe that amassing nationwide demonstrations is the only way to bring Egypt to safety. Meanwhile, the government is turning a deaf ear to the people;s demand. Although many believe that organizing demonstrations against the regime is the only possible way to save Egypt ,it may lead to afar-reaching
    dire consequences .

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