A precious genetic resource of Pakistan


In Pakistan, sheep is the main source of income of rural poor especially in rural areas and has an excellent export potential to earn foreign exchange. At present there are 28.4 million sheep in the country and their population is increasing at the rate of 2.63 percent per annum. Sheep provides 43 thousand tons wool, shares 33 percent in mutton production (590,000 tons in total) and produces tons of skins annually. The distribution of sheep population across province is quite heterogeneous and do not follow the trend of human population. About 48 percent sheep reside in Balochistan. The share of Punjab, Sind and KPK provinces is 24, 15 and 13 percent respectively. There are 28 recognised sheep breeds in Pakistan. In spite of this vast genetic resource, sheep is the most ignored sector at public level in Pakistan. However, it is the need of time to enhance the overall production of meat and wool through improving both its population and potential in the country.
Buchi is an important hot region sheep breed of Pakistan which has specific breed characteristics. It can survive 72 hours without water and can smell water even from 5-6km away. It is medium size breed with compact white body, longer legs, small ears, long wool, black head and slightly long tail. The pure bred flock is being raised at Livestock Experiment Station (LES), Jugiatpir, Bahawalpur. However, a large population is available throughout Cholistan. The documented population of Buchi sheep is about 5 million and stands at fourth position following Kajli, Lohi and Thalli sheep breeds in Punjab. Genetics and environment can enhance the existing performance level of sheep. The variations in various performance traits of Buchi sheep indicate scope of improvement in traits of economic importance. A study was thus conducted for documenting both genetic and environmental sources which influence growth, wool and reproductive traits. The Statistical Analysis Systems SAS and ASREML computer software by REML procedure fitting a complete Animal Model was used for this study.
It is concluded that environmental effects on all performance traits were significant; therefore, through better feeding and management there are ample chances of improvement in performance traits. Moreover, the performance of growth traits can be enhanced through genetic selection. Genetic correlations among different growth, wool and reproductive traits indicate that careful selection should be taken to improve any trait because selection for improvement for any trait would affect adversely on other trait. However, variation in breeding value estimates indicates the possibilities of upgrading overall performance of flock through selective and planned breeding.
In addition, the effect of inbreeding is observed much more on reproductive trait than the growth and wool traits and is crossing the threshold level. Therefore, to control inbreeding, a breeding plan with introduction of new blood from time to time is of utmost importance. It is further suggested that a methodical and disciplined recording system should be implemented for precise genetic evaluation and formulating effective breeding plans to enhance the overall meat and wool production status of this precious sheep genetic resource in Pakistan.
Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics,
UVAS, Lahore