Curse of land mafia politics


Politics in Pakistan has been scandalized by land mafia dominance, who share common bonds of greed with few in civil cum khaki bureaucracy and politicians for whom tyrants like Machiavelli are source of inspiration, instead of men like Quaid-e-Azam, Allama Iqbal, Lincoln or Nelson Mandela. The intensity of this insatiable curse should be gauged from the fact that Supreme Court of Pakistan had to intervene, to stop transfer and sale of state lands in Sind. When laws become slave to criminals, who hold power and influence in choice of appointments to important state institutions, than a country would become victim to anarchy and more money will be collected through extortion, than by state tax collectors such as FBR.
During the last few weeks of this government, important financial regulatory institutions such as State Bank, National Bank etc and their Board Of Directors are surprisingly dominated by men who hold dual nationalities, and have never remitted a single rupee to this country and instead have facilitated huge transfers of foreign exchange from Pakistan through loopholes created by design to do so. It is time that people of this country stand up to uphold rule of law in Pakistan and ensure that fate and destiny of this country is decided by those for whom Pakistan is the only motherland, where they live with their families and a place where all their assets are located.


  1. With likes of Tappi, Riaz Malik, Aqeel, Aleem Khan, Sharjeel Memon, Raja Ashraf, Saad Rafique etc wielding strong political power in our politics, powerful land mafia will prevail in selection of candidates for next elections

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