Eradicating sectarianism


There is a dire need to work, round the clock, to eradicate the menace of sectarianism. Mere lip service paid after every shocking incident is not a proper way to address the issue. Similarly, Governor’s rule or military intervention is not a permanent solution to the problem. The steps having lasting impacts are required to be taken. The people go for the sit in when the government does not take any action by itself.
It is essential for the survival of the democracy that justice should not be done but it should be seen to have been done. Quick action should be taken against the officers of the security agencies and the politicians, holding public office when they fail to perform their duties. They are employed to protect the lives and property of the people. If they cannot do that, they have no right to remain in the office.
The government can utilise the services of media, religious scholars, lawyers, teachers and the experts to launch an effective campaign against sectarianism. All the means should be used to mould public opinion against this menace. Special anti sectarianism laws should be enacted and the implementation of the existing laws should be ensured. The opposition, the treasury benches and the security agencies should work together to achieve the goal.
In the modern era, a democratic government is expected to take such steps without any sit-in. Our ruling political parties always call themselves democratic forces. Perhaps they are not aware of the democratic values yet.