The Quetta blast


Mere denunciation for the Quetta bomb blast by all political segments of society in which eighty people had been assassinated is not sufficient. It has become a custom or an official state practice in Pakistan to give a condemnation message as a fulfilment of responsibility. Similarly, the silence of government for two persons that were thrashed on Thursday night in Islamabad by a car belonging to US embassy is not required, people want serious actions. Additionally, we must not undermine the Bara massacre as well which is at present in the state of national ignorance which is quite unfair.
Pakistan is in a state of turmoil for more than a decade. Therefore, we need to think that Governor’s rule in Balochistan is no solution, neither a new demand for military takeover is as proved in the case of Swat military operation. We must think analytically what is the point of inflection for such chaos in Pakistan’s geo-political timeline? Such chaos never materialised in Pakistan before the American war. American political and military manifestation in the region is the biggest threat to Pakistan’s stability, since American presence encourages Indian supremacy in the region which is accomplished by weakening Pakistan through internal chaos and engagements within.