Where is transparency?


Mr Salman Faruqui, after assuming the additional charge of office of Wafaqi Mohtasib, took strategic decisions to activate this important statutory body to clear a backlog of 75,000 complaints and grievances regarding malpractices in government agencies. Qualified persons were invited to indicate interest for the positions of advisors, consultants and investigation officers by 29 December, 2012. Shortlisted candidates were invited to Mohtasib Secretariat for interview.
According to press reports, Mr Imtiaz Kazi, a retired Mohtasib secretary has been appointed as principal advisor and given additional charge of the position of Mohtasib secretary. A retired judge of the Peshawar High Court has also been appointed as advisor. There is no other information available about appointments in the Wafaqi Mohtasib.
The process of appointments on advisors, consultants and investigation officers should have been completed by now, but these appointments are not being shared with the stakeholders. This has created misgivings in the minds of qualified candidates.
It is advised that all appointments in the Wafaqi Mohtasib Secretariat may be posted on the official website for the information of general public and to meet the criteria of transparency.