NAB chairman’s temerity


NAB Chairman Fasih Bokhari had the temerity to try to take on the Supreme Court of Pakistan by writing to the President that he could not work properly due to the pressure of Apex Court on NAB to expedite investigation of cases which would force him to resign. This is a preposterous attitude ignoring Article 190 of the Constitution that clearly states that “all executive and judicial authorities throughout Pakistan shall act in aid of the Supreme Court”. Perhaps Fasih Bokhari in his inflated ego still thinks he is a serving admiral to behave in this haughty manner. The Apex Court has shown proverbial patience in dealing with the NAB which has always dragged its feet so as to avoid acting on the orders of the court in respect of certain high-ups of the govt involved in mega scams of looted money. This reflects sadly on the head of the state who has allowed free for all attitude to denigrate the Apex Court by the state functionaries ostensibly appointed to belittle the Supreme Court to thwart it in its role of delivering justice.
This is an unfortunate situation requiring full support by the people to enable the court to function as per the constitution and Islamic norms to render complete justice to all including the high and mighty.