Balochistan problem: a way out


Balochistan is bleeding. International players are taking advantage and covertly supporting the militants. The dialogue is the only option for the permanent solution of Balochistan. The present democratic people’s government has to win the hearts and minds of the Baloch people, to save the federation of Pakistan.
To tackle the Balochistan’s problems, the federal government must open meaningful talks with real leaders of Balochistan instead of fake leaders produced by the agencies. Confidence building means are required to defuse the situation. Development and dialogue is the best option. Army should be withdrawn. NFC Award and Haqooq-e-Balochistan initiative should be urgently implemented.
All missing persons must be released. Employment opportunities should be created to satisfy unemployed youth. Huge investment in small and medium scale industries can provide employment opportunities.
Human resource development centres should be established at Union Council level. The federal and provincial governments should provide sufficient funds for education and healthcare sectors. All the players of Balochistan must understand that Pakistan and Balochistan have no future at all if they are separated. The solution based on justice and fair play is the only option for Balochistan problem.


  1. "All missing persons must be released"

    But according to the truth-sayers (LOL!) Kiyani and Rehman Malik, there are no missing persons; they are people who have 'run away to join the terrorists!"

    • By the way what is secret of big account you have here .In just 48 comments you got score of 38p .Instead of this ,I got 81p favor after more 650 comments:(

      • LOL! Maybe better comments/quality over quantity!!! (rofl) 😛

        I am just kidding! Seriously, I don't even have a clue how this scoring thing works….nor did I pay attention to it till now…

  2. If rehman malik said this it is OK .it is his range and beyond this he is not allowed to say or seek for something else but if Kiyani said like that then it clearly means
    he is loyal to some one else .We have seen under him its not once or twice many times security issues were breached but his nuclear army remained in state of sleeping beauty. abbotabad, silala, daily drone attacks etc
    He has his team crossed all moral , religious and national limits when Raymond davis was given red carpet farewell.So if he said like that what doubt left in our mind about his duties.

    • "his nuclear army remained in state of sleeping beauty. abbotabad, silala, daily drone attacks etc "
      Sleeping buties indeed! But let's NOT forget — and I willl never tire of repeating this — it is feigned sleep as far as those daily drone strikes are concerned. REMEBER:
      1. Drones fly from bases in Pakistan to kill Pakistanis and all credit goes to Kiyani
      2. Drones kill a lot fewer Pakistani civilians than killed by Pakistani military ops/helicopter gunship attacks/indiscriminate morter fire and bombardment from US provided F-16s. (And yet we complain about drounes? Touche!)

      "He has his team crossed all moral , religious and national limits when Raymond davis was given red carpet farewell"
      Indeed! And the "democratic" government (and "opposition") worked hand in hand to facilitate that mockery of justice!!! Speaking of justice, let's not forget the holy SC/ CJ IMC too turned a blind eye towards it!!!

  3. Dont even think of separating Balochistan from Pakistan .. You certainly do not leave the establishment with a choice. It would lead to grievous consequences. It is hightime that you need to understand this. RIGHTS must be given. All agendas needs to be facilitated and answered accordingly, but remember. Any existence of a state within a state will be responded with full force.



    • "Any existence of a state within a state will be responded with full force."

      Yeah, just like in East Pakistan! Did wonders, didn't it?
      "Hegel was right when he said that we learn from history that man can never learn anything from history." — George Bernard Shaw

  4. "The present democratic people’s government has to win the hearts and minds of the Baloch people, to save the federation of Pakistan."

    This "present democratic people's government" term I find completely nauseating!!! Does the author really believe that? Wow!!!

    Also, what makes him think this "present democratic people's government" will do in the last few days of its rule what it didn't even try to do in almost five years of its term? Oh, I forgot: It gave Balochistan a lunatic as CM, a worthless parliament, today's Governor's Rule, a freer hand to FC to torture and slaughter locals, empty promises, etc. I am already feeling upbeat……NOT!!!

  5. who were the governors and chief ministers of balochistan since independence? I believe they were all locals, Nawabs and Sardars, what ever grievences people of Balochistan have, these nawabs alaso share the responsibility.Do you have the stomach to question them? what good have they done for their people during their rule? Akbar Bugti, Mengals, Jams, and latest was Raisani sahaib?

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