Motive behind Quetta blasts


The recent bomb blast in Quetta, which took the life of more than 104 innocent Pakistanis, is a deplorable act. The blast was specially planned to hit a large crowd. An initial blast in a snooker club, used by a certain minorities, triggered a gathering of a crowd and emergency service personnel, who came to rescue the people hurt, then a secondary blast in a stolen ambulance was conducted in the heart of the crowd to kill the maximum number of Pakistanis. This kind of planning and use of stolen emergency vehicles is not done by Taliban or terrorists.
This attack was conducted to show the people of Pakistan who wished to join the long march that crowds can be targeted for bomb blasts. The people who planned it stole an ambulance three days before and conducted the blast a few days ahead of the planned long march. If the terrorists wanted to target a large number of Pakistanis, they would have waited for the long march and then conducted their attacks.
Since the long march is set in motion by a person arriving from Canada a month ago, and is heavily funded by foreign funders, this means that this long march is allowed by the Americans and they could not become a suspect to the Quetta bomb blast incident.
The only people who would benefit from conducting this bomb blast are the people involved with the current government of Pakistan, who are trying to delay the elections till April, so the president can be re-elected by the same parliament. But I am sure that the government of Pakistan could have never been part of this attack, because if they were the Army Chief would have known about this chicanery, and I am sure the army would have acted on it and declared elections in Pakistan. But since nothing like this has happened, trying to figure out the suspects of the Quetta bomb blast becomes even more elusive.