Roots College International students shine at LUMS Business Initiative 2013


LUMS Business Initiative(LBI’13) is about the entrepreneur in the youth of the country. The line-up of competitions aims to challenge its participants to think, act and make decisions like an entrepreneur. Students from Roots College International (RIS) and Metropolitan Campus took part in this competition with great enthusiasm. The team consisted of students from the BSc .
RIS students proven themselves really well in the LUMS Business initiatives, and raised their ranking in top five participating schools. Among the competent participants of RIS at LBI’13 Ruhaan Ahmed, Ramsha Suleha, Madiha Khalid, Ehasan Sheikh and Noor Bakali were especially appreciated.
RIS moving towards achieving the excellence in providing high standards of business education to the students enrolled in undergraduates and in graduate programmers.


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