Ban all congregations


In view of the fact that the terrorists do not miss to attack any congregation, be it a religious or political one, to inflict maximum loss of life and property, it is incumbent on the government to ban all sorts of public gatherings and processions. Mr Rehman Malik is right when he says that there is a potential danger of Allama Tahirul Qadri’s long march being hit by terrorists as it offers a sitting duck like situation to terrorists.
The latest spate of mass killings in the country i.e., in Quetta, Swat and Karachi, show that the terrorists are just waiting for any mass gatherings in the cities to carry out their nefarious activities. As such, the government ought to ban all mass congregations so as to ensure safety of life for its citizens. Even if it requires to declare an emergency in the country to prevent the so-called million march in the offing, be it so. The country is not fit to expose mass gatherings to terrorists due to the approaching elections. We cannot afford any delay in elections by facilitating the terrorists to cause havoc and bloodshed in the crowds in the name of freedom to gather together in our violent times.