An infamous escapade


The news is that the daring, albeit infamous, escapade of former DG OGRA Tauqeer Sadiq was made possible by machinations of Mr Jehangir Badr and Mr Rehman Malik, both important pillars of PPP. This is a startling news that makes one wonder if there is any semblance of law and order in the country. The honourable Chief Justice of Supreme Court of Pakistan had asked the IG Punjab to give a gift to Pakistan by arresting the offender before his own retirement by the end of 2012, but this was not to be because of involvement of PPP high-ups which made the escapade of the wanted person by motorway and by removal of his name from ECL.
It appears that a master criminal can get away with ease after gobbling 82 billion rupees of public money under the very noses of PPP lords which throws serious aspersions over the head of government. The beaming face of the prime minister reminds one of Nero who played on his flute while Rome was burning. Now the PPP jiyalas are enjoying while the country is in pain due to embezzlements of horrendous amounts of money by the blue eyed boys of the rulers. This is a bad omen for the PPP in the coming elections that could prove to be their Waterloo because they can never make fools of people all the time by dangling the slogan of “roti, kapra aur makan” while they remain impoverished.


  1. This is criminal. Likes of J. Badar, Rahman Mand Tauqir should rot in jail, their properties confiscated instead of plea bargain by NAB

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