Goodbye 2012


O year 2012 that gripped the country in a vicious cycle of events without any respite, I fare thee well, though it is hard to forget the memory of ruthless target killings of innocent people, unprecedented burning to death of trapped factory workers, extortion of money from businessmen in Karachi, kidnappings for ransom and ruthless killing of innocent people in Balochistan, loss of scores of innocent lives at the hands of suicide bombers in KP, death of poor citizens in fake encounters or by lethal cough syrup and greeting of newborns by rats in government hospitals in Punjab (the kingdom of self-proclaimed Khadim-e-Aala).
We say farewell to the year that witnessed pledges and vows of politicians to protect the so-called democracy at all costs (which quite literally seems true as we are paying through our nose for it) from being derailed (as if it were on track) while simultaneously accusing, abusing and slandering each other for creating the mess resulting in conditions conducive to postponement of 2013 elections.
The loud declaration by lawmakers that parliament is supreme and equal retorts by the judiciary that it being arbiter of constitution is sovereign and supreme do not seem to be understandable.
If masses suffer under heavy weight of poverty, price hike and inflation due to fiscal mismanagement, what is the use of supremacy of one or the other pillar of state?
The year also saw claims and slogans for change, pledges of ruthless accountability and devolution of power to grassroots by the very people who don’t pay taxes, are the worst plunderers of money, and molesters of law. The mutual hospitality and hostility between the PPP and PML-N is astonishing and beyond comprehension in this regard. Similarly, we witnessed another bearer of change, a Canadian citizen, who in collaboration with, a British national, and the Q League is going to fix this country yet another time.
Regardless these deplorable and depressing happenings, there are some unforgettable and happy events such as winning of World Armature Snooker Championship, wining of Asia Hockey Cup, and victory in ODI cricket match against India.
I pray and wish that the new year brings happy ending to the controversies prevalent in the society and replaces them with a change in the upcoming elections.