Change the system


I agreed with Dr Tahirul Qadri that without changing the present political system, nothing is expected to be change; only one lot of politicians will replace the others with same credentials. Therefore, unless the opportunists, incompetent and selfish politicians are not replaced by honest and competent ones to solve the problems faced by the people and the issues faced by the country, nothing will change after the elections. Most of the politicians have no political principles; they change one party after another, are only interested to gaining power and then controlling the economic resources of the country and using them to personal advantage. How can one expect any good from those who don’t pay any taxes and plunder public money?
A portion of our population is poor but the ruling elite’s lifestyle is entirely different. They spend millions of rupees on maintaining their royal protocol whereas the majority of Pakistanis are struggling on a daily basis to marginally survive. The mainstream political parties have residences spreading over acres of lands where millions of peoples are living without any shelter. The people of Pakistan must be given the power to decide about their destiny. The present status quo must be changed if Pakistan has to become a self-respected country among the world nations. There is no shortage of good and competent people in the country; they must be given the chance to serve the country.


  1. The suggestion of Dr. Qadri is absurd and it shows his lack of understanding. There is nothing wrong with the system. All we need to do to follow the rules of the gamer. it is the common man who must bear the prime responsibility of this mess. Why do they vote for the same old rouges. Our generation has seen nothing but general decline in our values. We are like a parasite which is happy to live in dirty water. The moment it is put in clean water it will die. Is the common so blind can't he see and yet he votes for these politicians. Also army is not a bunch of angles either. It is more corrupt but this is not visible. There are no quick solutions. The awam are guilty. What are they doing to improve their quality of life. Nothing. They just produce children and show off their religion in a very crude way.

  2. The suggestion by Dr Qadri is full of sense.There is everything wrong with this system. When a minister says that it is his right to indulge in corruption and not a brow is raised, then we should worry. It is the system which brings in such ministers. When an MNA is disqualified for posessing fake degree and reelected again it is the fault of the system not the people. The system has reduced the people to cabbages who cannot think. It is the system, it is the system, let there be no doubt about it !!

  3. Please come up with a suggestion how the system can be changed and who will do it. I repeat here again unless we learn to respect rules and the law, the new comers will do the same no matter what system you bring in. It is a wishful thinking. Unless awam learn to vote for the honest , nothing will change.

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