Different blame game


I have said this umpteenth time before and at many forums that we as a nation have been plagued with this infection of blame game. The texture of our politics is coloured with things not done or wrongly done or mishandled. There is a reason to get this infection and that is that this government has done innumerable amazingly wrong things in governance. Since we are fond of filling the archives of Guinness World record, we can surely add this too. A convict and just a matriculate (doubtful too) appointed to head an institution of vital importance to the government is a world record of negligence and nepotism, a record which only Somalians can break.
The recent bye-election to eight seats was intentionally done at the closing dates of assemblies to prove to public that governmental machinery was allegedly used to rig the elections. The message to the public was to get ready for allegedly massive rigging. The political party leaders will not look at the blunders they have made to poor masses during their governance or even take corrective measure even now to write home something as they say. Blame game stalwarts have unleashed their batteries to malign the ECP and conduct of polls. (these stalwarts live by their efficiency in this art).
For God’s sake, leave us alone. Let there be no government in Pakistan instead of ridiculing whatever we have. In any case, we have no rule of law, so why do we need these fat salaried people in Islamabad to sponsor breakdown of law. Let us, the 180 million, go to jungle law of might is right. We will kill, rape, loot and destroy everything to come to a point when all these things will become redundant and we will give them up being bored. That will make blame game players unemployed temporarily but they can always consume their looted wealth in the meantime to come back with fresh credentials.