The ides of December


It was in the month of December that Pakistan suffered humiliation in 1971. It is time to reflect and perhaps learn some lessons from repeated mistakes by our establishment and political elite, who consider themselves above law. Without accountability there can neither be democracy, nor writ of state, because state is embodied not my individuals but by laws and constitution. Anarchy prevails when individual whims override national interest and laws are selectively applied.
Our rapid economic and moral decline will reduce us to yet another Somalia like situation, if immediate remedial measures are not taken. Quaid’s vision of a democratic welfare state was one that was based on rule of law, where all men were to have access to equal opportunities, where merit prevailed and public office holders were expected to adhere to ethics and morality and be held accountable for any abuse of power. Imposition of Urdu as a national language on majority Bengali speaking population of Pakistan was a step which created bitterness and ill-will and was against all democratic norms. Those responsible were unmindful of the fact that movement for creation of a separate homeland for Muslims was started in Bengal as early as 1905, much before anybody else even thought of it.
The Quaid’s vision of a welfare democratic state was destroyed by none other than its paid civil and uniformed bureaucracy, when they started meddling in politics and intrigues. Had this country adhered to the vision of our founding fathers, Pakistan would not have to endure the ignominy and shame of surrender and dismemberment in 1971. The choice of Ayub Khan with a tarnished past, who as Col was accused of accepting cash and jewellery from fleeing Hindus during the days he was in the Boundary Force for five months in later half of 1947, was a bad decision. This file was closed when GOC Lahore Gen Biggs picked up a weak Major Musa to close the file and clear the way for Ayub’s promotion as a Brigadier.
Public morality suffered a blow when the self-assumed Field Martial was so careless to be involved with Christine Keeler while on an official trip to UK. Ayub Khan repaid his debt to Musa when he made him C in C bypassing others more senior and deserving than him. It was none other than Ayub Khan, who knowingly selected a debauch to head the military, a man under whose watch Quaid’s Pakistan and his vision received a setback in 1971.
The indiscipline, both financial and ethical, that infects our bureaucracy and ruling political elite started from the plunder of evacuee property in 1947 and their greed for real estate which was initiated by allotment of state lands to its paid servants instead of to deprived sections of our society and continues till todate. Inspite of constitutional embargo on dual nationality holders to hold public office, the fate of this country, its institutions and its political parties is in the hands of men who owe their allegiance and loyalties to other nations, and for whom this country is just a safe financial stopover, where they can safely plunder its assets and flee to evade accountability.
Illinois, USA


  1. History will judge Ayub Khan as a villain and a man motivated by greed and ambition. He is responsible for dismemberment of Pakistan and his alleged complicity in the alleged mysterious murder of Fatima Jinnah.

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