Free and fair election is the right of people: PM


Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf has said free and fair election is the right of the people and is prerogative to elect anybody to whom they like.
On the occasion of his visit to the Agriculture Development Bank in Islamabad Wednesday‚ he said those who criticize the government must also admit its success in different fields and instead of indulging in blame game; they should float suggestions for the improvement.
The Prime Minister said that the present democratic government is determined to provide food security to the people.
He said that people say that we were not facing these problems 15 to 20 years back. But I want to tell them that in 1993, during the tenure of Benazir Bhutto, we were facing similar problems. He said that Benazir Bhutto dealt with the crisis and bought in IPPs project, which was made a victim of politics. If she had not implemented the project, which added 5000 megawatt to the grid station we would have been short of even this 5000 megawatt. He said we have initiated projects of Diamer Bhasha San, Neelum and Jhelum power project.
PM said that we are all Pakistanis irrespective of whatever party we belong too. We exist because Pakistan exists. We should not fan hatred but should remove differences and work for the future of our country.
He said government is committed for the prosperity of farmers because the PPP always worked for the betterment of farmers and poor masses.
He said the incumbent government increased the support price of the wheat hundred per cent for the benefit of the farmers.
He said the government also initiated the insurance programme for the crops for the first time and that the government established a separate ministry for food security.
Earlier‚ the Prime Minister distributed keys of tractors and agriculture loans to the farmers.
The Prime Minister also announced one month bonus for the employees of the Bank.


  1. So are the basic needs like electricity and gas mr.kala kola.Quit speaking like you care about the people of Pakistan around the election time and start doing something about it,its only been almost 5 years now,you sound like a broken record like the last PM and Zardari,words are cheap.PPP talks the talk,now walk the walk.Nuf said

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