Bankruptcy of leadership


If we take a look around we see that overall leadership style and quality of world leaders have declined to an alarming degree. In the past 30-40 years France had de Gaulle, UK had Harold McMillan and Margret Thatcher or Sir Alex Douglous Hume, India had Indira Gandhi, Sri Lanka had Bandranaike, Malaysia had Mohattar, China had Chou en Lai, Indonesia had Soekarno and then Suharto, Jordon had King Hussein, Eygpt had Anwar Sadaat, Syria had Hafez-al-Assad, Tunisia had Habib Bourguiba, USSR had Khurushev and Kosygen, Saudia had King Faisal, Morocco had King Hasan, Pakistan had Bhutto, SA has Nelson Mandella and so on. I can count hundreds of them.
What we have these days are Putin and Morsi and scandal-ridden Bashar-ul-Assad and the night-club fan queen of Jordon and last but not the least the nudity-fame wife of the last French president. The calibre of these people is below average and their personal characters are dubious and immoral. The role these world leaders are performing is full of conceits, conspiracies and filled with corruption (moral and financial). None seems to have any background or training in diplomacy and politics. Their personal lives are full of scandals of varying nature. Most of them have assumed power due to the laurels of their deceased fathers or husbands or some names. The inheritance process has ruined the face.
Our elections are around the corner and in casting our votes we are not just giving Pakistan a new leadership but also giving the world a new benchmark of leadership. Let us be very sure that not only will the new man bring Pakistan out of doldrums but will also give leadership to the world. The world stands at the brink of nuclear holocaust so we better be careful or else the Malthusian Theory of Population will come true.


  1. Pakistan unfortunately has had the misfortune of having corrupt, immoral and semi literate men like Musharraf, Zia, A to Z and likes of Raja Ashraf, Yusuf Raza Gillani, Altaf Hussain etc. All of them would qualify as criminals, who have robbed and harmed Pakistan.

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