How to eradicate corruption


The biologists say that the entire biological kingdom moves on the principle of avoiding pain and gaining pleasure. Thus the inherent tendency in all living beings is to readily commit corruption which means seeking immediate gain by trampling upon the rights of others which represents the shortest route to pleasure. It is this instant gratification appeal of corruption that makes it so difficult to eradicate from human society. But it is possible to achieve control on corruption by instilling mental discipline from a very young age through schooling. This, though, does not mean that every individual will voluntarily become honest. On the contrary, if a few people have knowledge but the rest have not it will become easy for the educated to prey upon the illiterate. That is why this malady is so rampant in our country. But if all individuals are provided with the modern tools of understanding, everybody will be in a position to resist falling victim to the predator elements of the society.
In this way, commission of corruption will become extremely difficult bringing it down to tolerable levels. This is how the advanced societies have set their own house in order and corruption there is only nominal.