Criticism on army


An interesting debate is going on in the media regarding the unprecedented criticism aimed at Pakistan army’s high command in recent months. Concern has been expressed by certain sections of the media about such criticism weakening the Pakistan army and being detrimental to the interests of Pakistan. This viewpoint is flawed and assumes that criticism aimed at the military high command is based on malicious intent. In fact much of the criticism in recent months and years against the Pakistan army’s high command has emerged from the same concern which has been presented by those who are displeased with the criticism that the policies pursued by the army high command are weakening the institution of the army itself.
Those who are leading such criticism believe that this criticism is aimed at protecting the army’s institution rather than weakening it. Much has been said about Pakistan army’s high command aligning itself too closely with American interests in the region and adopting the flawed policy of supporting the American War on Terror. The loss in life and treasure resulting from such a policy has been publicly described by the government and military leadership as detrimental to both the institution of the army as well as the state of Pakistan.
As long as criticism is directed against policies and results from a genuine concern amongst the people of Pakistan whose overwhelming numbers are opposed to Pakistan military’s involvement in the fight against its own people, such criticism is healthy and constructive. An understanding of the operational functioning of the army makes it only natural that such criticism would be aimed at the military high command as they are the one who exercise authority over the armed forces. To argue for prohibiting such criticism may actually result in weakening the institution of the army and is against the concept of accountability.