The other perspective


The attack on Malala has not only saddened the entire Pakistani nation but shocked the international community as well. It is undoubtedly the most inhumane act of planned terrorism on part of TTP swat chapter led by Maulvi Fazlullah.
This letter is to bring the world and media’s attention towards the fact that major chunk of Taliban was ousted by Pakistan security forces from Pakistani territory and as per latest media reports, both national and international, Maulvi Fazlullah after being ousted from tribal areas took refuge in adjoining Nooristan and Kunar provinces of Afghanistan. It is also an open secret that their activities are funded by Indian intelligence agency RAW with the help of National Directorate of Security (NDS) Afghanistan. RAW has been using NDS as their front organisation not only for activities against Pakistan but also carrying out attacks of NATO-led ISAF forces in order to gain maximum advantages from a troubled Afghanistan.
There is no denying the fact that assault on Malala is a brutal and shameful act but there is also a need that the incident be viewed in larger perspective of international conspiracies against Pakistan – a front line ally in war on terrorism – and also handiwork of RAW as well. On the other hand, Kabul should also understand that guarded statements on Malala episode while turning the blind eye on the TTP sanctuaries inside Afghanistan will not serve the purpose. It is high time for Kabul to get out of their cocoon and do their part of securing the border and eliminating the terrorist sanctuaries instead of playing in the hands of foes.