Karachi’s killing fields


A government that fails to protect lives and property of citizens has no right to rule, nor collect taxes. Thousands have died in Karachi of target killing, while its traders live in fear of extortion and kidnapping for ransom. It is a city where even journalists like Wali Babar are gunned to death and nobody gets caught. The coalition government’s sole objective seems to be to enjoy perks of power, without any responsibility to either tax payer, totally oblivious of primary constitutional obligation to maintain law and order and punish criminals.
Karachi’s tragedy is that everybody claims to own this city, but yet most of them in power, consider it not worthy for their children to live here, nor for their assets to be located here, because most of them have acquired other nationalities and have no major stakes in this country. It is a city from where 70,000 containers loaded with weapons and contraband goods disappeared after exiting from port with fake documentation. It has become a transit place, where financial gains, legal or illegal can be made, illegal land occupation has become a booming tax free venture, where billions allocated for infrastructure development vanish, and bridges collapse within months of completion, yet nobody ever gets prosecuted.
It is a city which is the financial hub of a country, yet lawlessness is comparable to the wild west of yester years, when power vested in the hands of those who had the gun. Those who have been in power for past four years, or in the preceding decade, cannot absolve themselves of culpable homicide by design or neglect, nor of the charges of using violence as a tool to exert political hegemony and patronizing the land, drug and crime mafia that have made life miserable for those who reside in this city. It is unfortunate that insecurity prevails in this city, where a government with its various constitutional paraphernalia exists, yet it is as dangerous as the unsettled areas in our tribal belt.
Illinois, USA


  1. Over 7,000 dead and not a single murderer caught. These serial target killers are addicted to killing human beings and should be wiped out and eliminated if peace is ever to be attained in Karachi. Everybody knows that they kill, get extortion money, and even kidnap for ransom on behest of their political godfathers, who are in power. Now the fanatic criminals in guise of taliban have also moved in for a share of the pie.

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