Many more Malalas


Many in print/electronic media in Pakistan are questioning the world-wide focus on Malala Yousafzai. These include right-wing media mongers and religious hardliners who are shamelessly up in arms blaming the teenager as US spy who divulged Mujahedeen’s (holy warriors) secrets, as someone has been popped by Zionists, some people are questioning her age as if 14 or 15 (these are the same who were just few weeks back questioning the age of Rimsha as if girls’ age will justify their nefarious plans). Conspiracy theorists are working overtime; some are worried —- why Malama, why not hundreds of other girls killed or maimed by Taliban during last 10 years.
To all of them I would say —- there may be many Malalas in Pakistan but there is only one Malala Yousafzai; the one whose un-compromised mission for girls education earned her world-wide fame before the brutal attack on her life, Oct 09. She is the only one because her sacrifices towards a noble cause have changed the tide against religious militancy in Pakistan. There are number of events and personalities in the world who single handed changed the course of history. Just to refresh the memory, I would mention of Rosa Parks whose defiance against racial segregation boosted the rights campaign in the US, terrorists attacks on 9/11 changed the world forever, assassination of Austrian prince Ferdinand by a Serb initiated the WW-I, Pearl Harbor attack forced the US to join the allied forces in WW-II, death of Bouazizi sparked the Arab Spring.
In my opinion conspiracy theorists shall stop smelling conspiracy in Malala’s shooting as Pakistani nation is getting united in its resolve to root out the terrorists once for all. Muslim Ummah has faced such fitnas before as well —- one such group was of Qaramatas. No one negotiated with them to provide them the political power, they were eliminated by force. That’s what Pakistani nation is now demanding its forces to do in tribal areas and wherever these religious extremists exist.
I call on all the media-mongers and others to help Pakistan army to achieve this goal.
Jubail, Saudi Arabia