Swiss letter


Yet another date – 10 October – has been given by the SCP to the Law Minister to put up the draft of the letter to be written to the Swiss authorities for the approval of the apex court. This exercise has been going on for quite some time now and one fails to understand as to what is so difficult in wording a simple letter of cancellation.
Could it not be just a two-liner such as: “This refers to our letter No. —— dated ———, which may please be treated as cancelled.”?
Or, if there is something that the government (the Law Minister) cannot understand then why not some Honorable judge of the SC calls him to his chamber and helps him draft the letter?
The whole issue could be resolved in a matter of just a few minutes only.
At least I would have done it so had I had to deal with it in my Special Military Court during the Martial Law.


  1. The amount of time, energy and attention the issue of letter has consumed over the last few years, arguably making it even more difficult for the government to function normally and tackle the enormous challenges the country faces, certainly has not helped. The threat of destabilisation of the democratic system has loomed more than once during these hearings. The best solution of course would be, as Justice Khosa put it, an agreement between the government and the court on the content and wording of the letter that leads to a closure of this debilitating ‘confrontation’ between the executive and the judiciary. That, however, still seems more hope than reality at this point.

  2. There are the various other dilemmas been arisen out presently, and the government officials must needs to think in accordance with the same probabilities if they really want to get succeeded. gmat waiver letter sample

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