Unbridled immoral activities lead to increase in AIDS


The number of HIV/AIDS positive patients is increasing in the twin cities due to unbridled immoral activity, unsafe blood transfers and improper sterilization of medical and shaving instruments.
According to sources, only one hospital at the federal capital, Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS), has registered 1,376 AIDS positive cases this year. Sources informed that among the 1,376 patients, 1,127 were male, 227 were female and 22 were children.
A doctor said that most of the patients were laborers returning from the Middle East. The laborers came to the hospital for medical checkups for an extension in their visas, the doctor said, adding that the patients did not admit it, but a majority of them had been indulging in immoral activities. “Lack of awareness and proper precautionary measures in the country were resulting in a spread of the virus,” he said.
Some citizens, expressing their views on the issue, said that an increase in the deadly disease was due to a rise in immoral activities among the youth, therefore every parent should keep a strong check on their children.
A member of a humanitarian organization said that citizens should be informed about the disease and its causes, as immoral activities were not the only cause of the disease. Moreover, people should be made aware of the symptoms of the disease to control its further transmission.