A welcome development


In an already stressful environment in a country where the electronic media is hell bent on feeding its viewers with scrolls and breaking news on murders, kidnappings and extortions as a first morning dose every day on television, NUST School of Leadership has taken the initiative titled ‘Shabash Pakistan’ to rekindle the people’s traits on patriotism, nationalism and enlightened moderation.
The well timed initiative is extremely appreciable and reaffirms beliefs of many Pakistanis that despite all their economic woes under these trying circumstances, there are people in our polity that definitely want resurrection of this country notwithstanding the fall outs of over a decade war on terror and extremism. As a first step, the initiative focused the young students of NUST wherein around 250 students were afforded interactive exercises and activities on patriotism and nationalism aspects. As per the news, Umair Jaliawala, a trainer, has even conducted the first session in line with the initiative.
The fact that the initiative was launched from a youth platform wherein undergraduate and graduate students were targeted initially indicates the initiative’s sincerity and resolve to deliver. I can assure those who have taken the initiative that as the time goes by more and more philanthropists and likeminded people will join the initiative to make it a greater success. We definitely need more initiatives to the likes of ‘Shabash Pakistan’ to manoeuvre our energies to strengthen our patriotism and nationalism streaks. And who could be the best in furthering these causes, the Pakistani youth, tomorrow’s flag bearers and ambassadors that can change our nearly charred images in the comity of nations. It is time that we, especially the youth, started owning the responsibility to make Pakistan, our Pakistan, a state as envisioned by Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. We must fulfil our national responsibility to speak and take action on events that tantamount creating differences, infatuate religious hatreds, armed interactions rather than dialogues and becoming intolerant on happenings that otherwise generate violent reactions within our society. It is a cumulative effort and we must contribute in whatever manner we can to make this and such future initiatives that can help rally this nation on a single platform to take this country out of woods.