Ban on Pakistani newspapers


Afghan government’s ban upon the Pakistani newspapers clearly exemplifies the sentiments of the US-backed Afghan government, while the criticism arising from within the Afghan community for such an approach shows that the people do not view the curb as a sensible step. In fact there is a call for dialogue between the nations by the Afghan Journalists. Surely, by banning information one can hardly obliterate the truth. The immaturity of the Afghan government in dealing with the situation is evident and does nothing for regional harmony.
That the people to people contact between the Pakistan and Afghanistan has always been considered as a means of linkage is more than obvious. This transnational bondage has always defied the existence of physical boundaries and divisions between both countries. That the Afghan’s have always been entertained by Pakistan is more than evident in the case of housing thousands of refugees during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. The lack of employment opportunities had also compelled many to seek their livelihood across the border. Being linked by an approximately 2600km long boundary with the landlocked Afghanistan, Pakistan has also served as its major trading partner with at least 80% of Afghanistan’s trade depending upon its neighboring Pakistan.
This age old bondage however is not enough to enhance the bilateral relations between both countries, for which further steps and initiative ought to be taken by the respective governments. Both had borne the brunt of a war three decades back will again be left alone to lick the wound inflicted by this decade long war with a horde of extremist groups at their hands to de-radicalize and reintegrate into the society, accompanied by a colossal pressure from the international community and Human rights organizations for not handling things correctly. This reintegration process may take another decade to kickoff as things in the South Asian continent move with a painful slowness.
Instead of focusing unfairly upon what Pakistan has allegedly unleashed upon Afghanistan, and reacting by childish ploys a few home truths need to be rammed into the short term Afghan memory. Surely the fact that an unsuccessful decade long training of the Afghan National Security Forces contradicts such loud claims to reveal their inabilities and slothful attitudes. The analysis put forward by experts also suggests that Afghanistan is most likely to sink into civil war if US forces were to withdraw. Pakistan has always been the one silent force behind the Afghan strength to fight both the Soviets and the terrorists.