Nazir Naji’s controversial interview


The renowned columnist Nazir Naji in an interview with an Urdu weekly of Karachi has suggested that the solution of Karachi’s problem lies in that Karachi be declared as an autonomous administrative unit by handing over it to “Karachiwallas” whereas intervention from Sindh and federal governments should stop. As a result, all nationalities would gradually live in peace and harmony, he added.
If the contents of his Urdu interview are correct as reported, one can only regret as Karachi issue is sensitive and such irresponsible comments are bound to add fuel to the fire.
Mr Naji should know that Sindhis have given their blood and sweat to build this great city. Non-intervention by Sindh govt means Sindh government has to shift its capital from the city and hand it over to an ethnic group of Karachi who has remained in power one way or the other for the last 24 years. They have, more or less, physically crippled the elected Sindh government and are imposing upon their highly objectionable decisions on majority people like promulgation of SPLGO-2012.
If suggestions of Mr Naji are implemented, the target killings of other nationalities including Pashtun, Punjabis, Sindhis etc would tremendously increase and they would wipe out other nationalities in Karachi completely as they did with Sindhis.
I suggest to Mr Nazir Naji, in view of sensitivity of the issue, to avoid giving such objectionable suggestions that are bound to turn Karachi into carnage.


  1. Why not a seperate autonomous administrative unit for Karachi, when the PPP elected by people of Sind has agreed to seperate administrative city government for this metropolitian city, and in addition a seperate quota already exists for jobs such as the urban/rural quota divide. However Karachi's constituencies need to be demaracated so that every group gets proper representation. Remember the so called urdu speaking group which is very proactive under MQM banner is no more than 38% to 40%.

  2. The Karachi is presently under control of an ethnic-cum-political-terrorist group. After getting rid of terrorists' control on Karaschi, the system acceptable to all stake holders can be considered.

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